It is hard to fathom that our time here at Cheley this summer has come to an end. Time seems to be moving the slowest when laughter, energy, and songs cease to fill Totem Teepee like they used to once before. This summer was filled with countless memories, strong bonds of brotherhood, and endless support of one another. Every member of Haiyaha this summer experienced growth in some capacity and stories that will follow them wherever they call home.
Under the leadership of our riding counselor, Jack Stirling, the following campers earned their Riding patch: Caden Jones and Emmet Lynch.

Our hikers and backpackers trekked far and wide this summer from the Indian Peaks to the Never Summers and in Rocky Mountain Natural Park. Our hiking counselors, Kyle Crane and Hugh Toomey, our backpacking counselors, Joe Hutchison and Etan Shemesh, and our HBO counselor, Thomas diZerega, led countless trips where they taught resourcefulness and self sufficiency. The following campers earned their Hiking patch: Beckett Kidd, Benjamin Edwards, Liam Lillard, Ryan Toomey, Schuler Hurst, and Tommy Sanders. The following campers earned their Backpacking patch: Bryant Pierce, Lawson Roesch, McEwen Roberts, Quincy Sweet, Ryan Toomey and William Miley. James Kirkham earned his On the Trail Patch.
Our mountain biking counselors, Gary Garcia and Bryson Andregg, led many fun day trips and overnights. The following campers earned their Mountain Biking patch: Calvin Frost, Dustin Anderson, Eamonn Ednress, Henry Zamorano, James Kirkham, and Lenox Finkelstein.

Carson Slaughter helped campers create some amazing craft projects, Levi Lillienthal helped campers soar at the ropes course, Luke Park helped in a variety of areas as a general counselor, and Pierce O’Reilly-Spears brough everyone together at the end of each day for our unit campfires.
Thank you to our amazing Campers in Leadership Training (CILTs): Collin Bulter, Christopher Lampe, McEwen Roberts, Sean Sauntry, James Spilotro, Jean-Louis Chave, Josh Ballenger, Oliver Niemann, Parker Vullings, Patrick Barnat, and Wyatt Lindgren.
The individuals who were recognized for receiving their Gold Key this summer include Alexander Gillikin, John Beck (JB) Seale, Chris Lampe, Collin Butler, John Myers, and Quincy Sweet of First Term, and Cameron McShea, Jean-Louis Chave, James Francouer, and Zachary Cole of Second Term.
Until we meet again!
Connor Charpentier, Director
Collin Shepard, Asst. Director