Ask a Camp Director

Who Should I Contact for Updates on My Camper?


Are you eagerly counting down the days until your camper heads off to Cheley for an unforgettable summer adventure? We bet you’re already starting to think about how you’ll stay connected while they’re away, and we’re here to help make that process as smooth as possible.

First things first, let’s address the big question: Who do you contact if you have any concerns or just want to check in on your camper’s summer experience? Well, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Whether you’re itching to hear about their latest outdoor escapades or simply want to send a word of encouragement, we’ve established multiple channels of communication to ensure you feel connected and informed throughout the summer.

Communication Channels

Peggy Haynes and the Office Team

Our office staff, led by the wonderful Peggy, are your go-to folks for everything related to your camper’s well-being. Have a question about camp logistics? Need to pass along a message? Peggy can swiftly relay your message to your camper’s unit director, who can then provide a more immediate response from the heart of the camp action. Feel free to give them a call or shoot them an email anytime during office hours (every day from 8 am until 6 pm).

Camp Directors: Jeff Cheley and Brooke Cheley-Klebe

For more serious or escalated matters, rest assured that our camp directors, Jeff Cheley and Brooke Cheley-Klebe, are readily available to address any concerns you may have. With their wealth of experience and dedication to the well-being of every camper, Jeff and Brooke are here to provide support and guidance when needed. Whether it’s a question about your camper’s experience or a more pressing issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jeff and Brooke. Your camper’s safety and happiness are our top priorities, and we’re committed to ensuring that every camper’s summer at Cheley is nothing short of extraordinary.

Media Team

If you’ve been eagerly refreshing the Cheley Connection and haven’t spotted your camper’s smiling face in a while, don’t fret! Our dedicated media team is on standby to ensure you get your daily dose of camp magic. Reach out to them directly if you’re missing those snapshots of your camper’s adventures in the great outdoors.

Additional Support for Families

Weekly Reports

Parents can look forward to receiving a weekly report from their camper’s “go-to” counselor three times per term, providing insights into their camper’s experiences and progress. Posted Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am MT during Summer Camp, these reports include highlights, goals, and updates on your camper’s well-being.

First-Year Camper Updates

For families with first-year campers, we understand that those initial days apart can feel a bit nerve-wracking. That’s why our unit directors make it a priority to touch base with 1st-year families by the end of the first week of each term. Stay tuned for that reassuring update from camp!

Feedback Mechanisms

We value your input and strive to continually enhance our communication processes. That’s why we encourage families to provide feedback on their Cheley Experience with us. Your insights help us understand what’s working well and where we can make improvements. Whether you have suggestions, concerns, or compliments, we’re here to listen and evolve together as we embark on this Cheley journey.

Communication Policies and Expectations

At Cheley, we prioritize fostering independence and creating a supportive camp environment for all our campers. As part of this ethos, we do not allow campers to call home or receive calls from home (apart from in the event of an emergency). This decision has been made in the best interest of our campers, as it encourages them to fully immerse themselves in the camp experience, build resilience, and develop strong bonds with their peers and counselors. We appreciate your understanding and support in upholding these communication guidelines, which contribute to the enriching and transformative nature of the Cheley Experience.

We understand that seeing our office number pop up on your caller ID might cause a moment of panic, but fear not! Rest assured that we’ll always leave a voicemail if we call and don’t get an answer. Additionally, in certain situations, we may send a text message from our office number to ensure timely communication. Our goal is to keep you informed and connected every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to check those voicemails and texts from our trusted office line, (970) 586-4244.

While we’re here to facilitate communication and provide peace of mind, we kindly ask that you refrain from contacting us via our cell phone numbers unless it’s been specifically arranged. Our focus is on delivering an exceptional camp experience, and every distraction takes us away from that mission.

At Cheley, we cherish the opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and immerse ourselves in the wonders of nature. So, while we may not be a technology company, we’re committed to keeping the lines of communication open and ensuring that you feel connected to your camper’s summer journey. So go ahead, send those letters, drop those emails, and trust that your camper is in good hands. We’re here for you every step of the way.

More Questions?

Reach out for more information on life at Cheley.