We had a great summer in Ski Hi! We cultivated an environment that promotes flourishing, failing forward, and autonomy. Whether you went on a backcountry adventure, showcased your artist during crafts, or did an early breakfast (EB) hike, Cheley was a place for all. We hope that the memories made, along with the Code of Living, act as a compass and guide when we are not physically present in the beautiful Rockies.
Our hiking counselors, Jack Olson and Jake O’Connor, led day-long expeditions in the Rockies. Our backpacking counselors, Walt Gorman and Jack Madden took campers on overnight adventures in the backcountry. HBO counselor, Harry Robison, spent a lot of time out on the trails with campers as well. The following campers earned their Hiking patch: Desi Ach, Elliott Leighton, and Sterling Knoch. The following campers earned their Backpacking patch: Ethan Federman, Niko Darrah, and William Higman.

The following campers earned their On the Trail patch: Barrett Ellsworth, Ben Pearlstein, Benjamin Gallon, Boden Drew, Canyon Shopp, Charlie Thorpe, Daschel Nordlander, Desi Ach, Drew Konigsberg, Dylan Kirkham, Easton Morency, Elliot Leighton, Ely Uettwiller, Ethan Federman, Grant Gonzales, Henry Nichols, Kai Whitfill, Malcolm Oblak, Marcelo Gonzalez Caturegli, Marcus Lee, Micah Coehn, Nicholas Bon, Nicholas Sailer, Niko Darrah, Oliver Huxford, Palmer Nicholson, Robert Johnson, Sterling Knoch, Tyler Anderson, William Olson, and William Wegner.
Our outcamping counselor, Dillon Yother, led campers on outcamps filled with games such as gaga ball, game shows, and card games, campers always returned from outcamps with smiles on their face and had bonded as a group. The following campers earned their Outcamping patch: Jackson Remley, Krish Saigal, Landen Strauss, and William Olson.
Out horseback riding cousenlors, Sam Holder and Ian Meister ventured out to beautiful destinations such as Strawberry Hill, Gypsy Ground, Aspen Brook, and Twin Sisters and led several overnight rides at Pierson Meadows. The following campers earned their Riding patch: Aiden Paul, Charlie Bonney, Charlie Womack, Clifford Bailey, Joaquin Bours, Marcus Lee, Oliver Rogers, and Roux Wood.

Campers expressed their creativity through many different crafts this summer led by Tobias Roland. At the Dome, basketball court, or Chapel court, laughter echoed as Matthew Francoeur led campers in a variety of sports. General counselor, Will Sessions, helped in a lot of program areas and campfire counselor, Jefferson Ratliff, planned fun campfires each night to bring the unit together after a day of program.
The following campers earned their Pine Cone patch: Alexander Yale, Crew Persch, Dylan Kirkham, and Ely Uettwiller.
Unique to every unit, the Code of Living is created by campers at the beginning of camp, and represents values the campers wish to live by during the term. At the end of the term, campers and counselors vote on the campers who best exemplified the ideals of the code, and they receive the Silver Spurs. This recognition is something that campers can actively strive for at any point in their life. The following campers received their Silver Spurs: Desi Ach, Nicholas Sailer, Aiden Paul, Rue Wood, Christian Carbonaro, Oscar Albrecht, Harry Frampton, Ben Pearlstein, and Jack Lathrop.
Until we meet again!
Alexa Reeve, Directors
Ben Hankins, Asst. Director
Cherie Prystie, Asst. Director